SALE!! CBD Vape Shot 2ml - Concentrate

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  • £19.99
  • Regular price £24.99

Many people are making the switch to vaping CBD from either traditional smoking or as an alternative to vaping nicotine. CBD vape juice is developed and intended to be used in any normal E-Cig Vape devices. The extract of CBD is derived from the hemp plant and unlike cannabis contains less than 0.2% THC so will not ‘get you high’. Scientific publications dating back centuries document the benefits of the hemp plant and cannabinoids such as CBD for numerous applications.

CBD Vape Shot allows you to enjoy the additional benefits of high stregnth CBD and mix in with your favourite vape juice flavour.

The CBD isolate used is greater than 99% pure and is cultivated using a gentle CO2 extraction process in a technologically advanced facility in the USA overseen by the DEA and regulated by the FDA.


PG, PEG and 99% CBD


1-2 Full drops per tank or add desired amount directly into an e-liquid bottle and shake to obtain even spread.

Do not vape on it's own, this additive contains no VG


2ml of 500mg added to 48ml of Vape Juice = 10mg/ml - 2ml Full TPD Tank will be a 20mg CBD All Day Vape

2ml of 1000mg added to 48ml of Vape Juice = 12mg/ml - 2ml Full TPD Tank will be a 40mg CBD All Day Vape

No medical claims can be made by us ‘The Juicy Joint’ or at this stage in the UK about vape juice / E-Liquids containing CBD and therefore this product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or illness. All products we supply containing CBD contains less than 0.2% THC so are therefore under UK legal limit for THC and will not get the consumer ‘high’.

CBD is sold by us and in the UK as a lifestyle supplement so it would be advisable to conduct additional research independently before deciding if Vaping CBD, what variety and what concentration of CBD vape is right for your daily wellbeing