Cultural Research Literature
Interested in researching on the worlds most intriguing cultures. In this section you can find information of horticulture, alternative lifestyle , the world of cannabis and the medical benefits of hemp.
In accordance with UK law, The Juicy Joint sells literature for cultural research and entertainment purposes only. Within this country, it not is legal to cultivate, germinate or grow cannabis. Some topics discussed in the literature may not be legal in your country but the information provided is legal to publish, distribute and access in the UK. If you live or don't live in the UK, you must abide by the laws that apply to your country. It is your responsibility to research those laws before you place an order for this literature from our website. The Juicy Joint is not responsible or liable for any illegal activities or other damages that may arise from your possession or use of the products sold on this site including but not restricted to criminal prosecution or property seizure.