Dr Dabber - Iso-Snaps Isopropyl Alcohol Cotton Swabs

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  • Regular price £5.49

Iso-Snaps by Dr. Dabber are a genius invention for any concentrate consumer brought to you by the USA vape pioneers vapouriser manufacturer, Dr. Dabber, best known for the Switch, Boost Evo & Stella vapourisers.

This Travel Pack provides a pre-packaged packet of 24 cotton buds pre-dipped in Isopropyl Alcohol which saves you time and the risk of spillage. Simply open the packet, remove your cotton bud and then apply pressure to the stem of the cotton bud to release the Isopropyl Alcohol, after you swab your vaporizer wherever residue build-up has occurred just discard the dirty cotton bud.

  • Isopropyl Alcohol
  • Cotton Bud Swabs
  • 24 per pack